Friday, October 30, 2009


Real meaning of yoga is linking of the self with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. According to Gita, yoga is any spiritual activity that establishes the lost contact with God. There are different types of Yoga. Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, Japa Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakthi Yoga. Yoga for this kali yuga is the Bhakthi yoga. This can be practiced by one and all. Devotional activity directed towards God at all times. Lord Krsna says in Gita that perform all the activities according to varna and ashrama and dedicate all of them to Krsna. Exact meaning for Yoga is upaya. This means a way or margha to divine bliss. We perform asanas 1, the body houses Paramatma and Jivatma. It makes them both happy and makes the body fit to perform sadhana. Only if one realises the real meaning of yoga, practice or sadhana takes place correctly, otherwise one is bound to lose track and waste this life.