The Jiva is neither born nor does he die. He is unborn, indestructible and eternal. He is not killed when his body is slain. BG 2.20
Having restrained them all, he should sit in contemplation meditating that I am his Supreme Lord. Of him, who has verily his senses under control, wisdom is steadfast. BG 2.61
Perform the ordained duties. For action is better than non action. Even the maintenance of the body would not be possible without some action. BG 3.8
In this world, there is no purifier like Jnana. He that is perfected in (Jnana) yoga attains it in due course. BG 4.38
Whatever pleasures result from the contact of senses, they are only sources of misery, they have a beginning and end. No wise man delights in them. BG 5.22
That state is to be understood as yoga which is free from all the contact of pain and suffering. This yoga should be pursued with determination and with a detached mind. BG 6.23
Among thousands of men only one strives for knowledge and adept ship. Even among those strive for it, there is but one who knows ME really. BG 7.3
Those who take to the worship of gods go to the gods, the worshippers of Pitrs go to them, those that worship the Bhutas got to Bhutas, likewise, My worshippers come unto ME. BG 9.25
Whatsoever being I excellent, splendid and mighty, know that to have come into existence from a fragment of MY splendor. BG 10.41
O, Dhananjaya, if you are not able to fox your mind steadily on Me, then by means of constant practice and concentration seek to know Me. BG 12.9
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